Technical Support Services
Investing in AccuWare brings value to your business by making your business more efficient, cost-effective and profitable. Prompt and effective technical support ensures continuous and smooth operation of the application. AccuWare support services give you access to bug-fixes, product updates, enhancements and assistance in implementing new product features and functionalities as and when they become available.
Automated HelpDesk
We have an Automated HelpDesk, staffed with well-trained technicians to respond to support calls. Team collaboration of all support related activities is automated with the use of a specialized software solution. Each and every support request, bug report or customization request is tracked by the system right from the time it is received into the system until it is followed-up, escalated, successfully resolved, delivered and finally closed. No registered request ever gets lost. Customers with active maintenance contracts may submit their requests by email, which are duly recorded into the automated system and a workflow is initiated so as to deliver prompt and quality service. Support requests are escalated based on time in queue and severity of the request. The client receives an automated notification upon successful receipt of the support request along with a unique Support Ticket-Id for follow-up. Another notification is sent to the client upon successful resolution of the problem and delivery of the solution.
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is most important to us and we will do all we can to meet and surpass customer expectations. Every support request will be given due attention according to severity and priority.
Prompt Responses
Experience of many years along with our commitment to Quality Standards, enables our technicians to quickly respond to Support Requests and provide effective resolution of reported issues.
Best Practices
Our customers directly benefit from our rich experience gained from servicing different types of businesses. Over the years we have also acquired and evolved industry best practices, further the user of specialized tools helps us streamline our services.
How to Open a Support Ticket
We accept support requests over phone and email.
Support over Email:
Once the customer’s email address is registered and activated in our HelpDesk system, the customer could send an email describing the problem or fault, the system will automatically create a new Support Ticket and add it to the Queue. The customer will receive an automated email confirming a new Support Ticket is created in the system, the ticket number is also included in this email for follow-up. When the issues reported are resolved and the ticket is closed, the customer again receives an email informing him that his request is now resolved.
Support over Phone:
Customers could also avail telephone support for the following:
- To report a problem and get technical assistance
- Following up on an open ticket
- Communicating the priority
- Getting the status on your current tickets etc.
Working Hours
During the following hours (K.S.A Time – Sunday thru Thursday):
From 08:30 to 13:30
From 14:00 to 17:30