Download Brochures
Click a link below to download the respective brochure. These brochures are in PDF format.

VAT Flyer: This is a 4-Page brochure that briefly highlights AccuWare VAT features
Size: 1.25 MB

AccuWare Brochure: This is a 24-Page detailed brochure that briefly describes each module of AccuWare
Size: 6.9 MB

AccuWare Flyer: This is a 4-page brief outline of different editions of AccuWare
Size: 1 MB

IP-VPN Services Brochure: This an 8-page brochure that describes what is the IP-VPN service, its benefits to customers and it’s requirements
Size: 3 MB

DBA Services Brochure: This is an 8-page brochure that describes what is the DBA Service, its different levels and it benefits.
Size: 1 MB

IT Services Brochure: This is a 4-page brochure that describes our IT Service offering.
Size: 1 MB