Vehicle Sales
Competition is fierce in the automobile industry today. Auto Dealers are, therefore searching for new ways to attract and satisfy the customer. They need a precise solution that takes care of their everyday routine front office, and back office functions and also helps them in analyzing information available. This would enable them to keep Customers delighted and sell and service more vehicles. AccuWare provides all the functionalities that you will need to manage your Automobile business. It adds value to your vehicle sales operations by enabling you to work in a user-friendly interface. It seamlessly integrates all the specific features related to Purchasing, Sales, Inventory, Finance and Management.
- Detailed information about each vehicle may be stored in the system
- Easily search for information about a specific vehicle
- New and used vehicles may be sold and purchased
- Cash sales, Credit Sales, Installment Sales
- Installment plans, collections and follow-up
- Installment exceptions and authorizations
- Record information about Guarantors and Sponsors for installment sales
- Ability to store pictures for each car
- Ability to categorize vehicles by Manufacturer, Type, Color, Model etc.
- Sales returns and Purchase returns
- Full integration with Accounts, Inventory modules
- Comprehensive Reports, Enquiry Screens and Search Lookups